Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another Godwin Amendment

The new Godwin's Law, at least until November '08: As the length of a comment thread increases, the probability that someone will plug Ron Paul approaches one.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, I know this is off topic, but have you heard that Ron Paul is awesome?

Mike said...

Jeff, given your readership, I'm not even sure the length of the comment thread needs to get much beyond 2 or 3.

Ben said...

Well, then, just to be a contrarian.....

Ron Paul sucks. He's a Libertarian, which makes him inherently wrong about everything...even the issues that I agree with him on. Of course, I'm right about everything. But the opinion, when uttered by a Libertarian (even if he is running as a Republican), must be wrong the moment it exits his mouth. Where as the opposite must be true for me.

Living in contradiction. That's the Stark way.