Selah voted for Hillary Clinton today. It was a difficult decision, and she said that both she and Obama would make a good president. However, she asked herself which candidate would be less likely to expand the power of the presidency, and realized that Obama, for all his virtues, would still lead people to put far more faith in the presidency than the office deserves. Clinton would be more likely to be a competent placeholder rather than a transformative force, she said, and after eight years of a presidency-expanding transformative force she thought the last thing we need is more of that.
She's very mature for a two-month-old...
(UPDATE: Selah's mom would like to clarify that we don't know who Selah voted for. It's a secret ballot, and she can't technically talk. She can gurgle and make random cute noises though.)
She looks like she's overwhelmed with the deep political contemplation. Either that or she's pooping.
I take it NC has EXTREMELY open primaries.
That's a helluva poop.
Selah used an interesting metric to make her decision, not one I had previously considered. I certainly agree that if we want to go with "same old same old" instead of "transformative force", someone named Clinton is the answer. But personally, I'm holding out for the transformative force that will reign in the previous eight years of expansion. In other words, I guess I won't have anyone to vote for this year. Again.
She's also very cynical for a two month old. She thinks like me! In the long term, I think it may be true that an uninspiring, venal politician like Clinton would do good things for American's skepticism toward the presidency. On the other hand, it's just too hard to weigh that benefit against the immediate pleasure of seeing Hillary lose after all these years of preparation to the upstart Barack Obama.
What about the NC-GOP ticket? My best choice might have been Alan Keyes? It sure beat voting for a nut-job (Paul), a drop-out (Huckabee), No Preference or McCain (a Democrat).
Seriously, these were my GOP choices -- a non-vote, a Constitution Party, a not-running, a crazy man and a RINO. WTF HAPPENED TO THIS PARTY!??!?!
Either way, we should congratulate Selah on being one of the 17 people in North Carolina to vote for Hillary Clinton. Everyone's focusing on her narrow defeat in Indiana (which, don't get me wrong, is an important accomplishment), but let's face it: Obama liquidated her in N.C., almost doubling his leads in pre-election polling. His big mistake appears to have been the foot-in-mouth "Indiana is the tiebreaker" statement.
Yep, he tore her up here in NC even though most of the Democrats I know voted for Hillary -- but then again, I know alot of white people. Not too many black graduate student chemical engineers (I think, currently two out of 100+).
What can you say about this race that hasn't been said? Obama gets the black vote in droves and even with the win in Indiana, the Democratic Party would be foolish to give the nomination to Hillary. It would literally cause a revolt from the black community, I 100% believe. Furthermore, exit polls show her with two-thirds of the white vote and 10% of Indiana was crossover-Republican voting, presumably for her. This has become (painfully obvious) a black versus white race.
Wait, so Andy, are you saying that Alan Keyes is LESS of a nut job than Ron Paul? Because being more nutty than Alan Keyes is really saying something.
I am so glad Selah is keeping you politically active. I was a little worried about you becoming complacent. I think her vote was a great choice.
What a darling baby Jeff. Love the pic!
Selah you could toss a coin for the best candidate. There is not one. This may be a non-voting election for me. Thanks for the cute picture. They grow so fast.
IMHO, the GOP got busy destroying conservative candidates this time around. Who knows what kind of candidate Romney would have been. He was too busy defending his faith to express his platform.
Granpa McCain is the only GOP candidate that hasn't been labeled a religious nut or some other type of cashew by the media. McCain keeps his religion to himself.
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