Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby Picture Dump

I've been meaning to post baby pics for a while, but haven't gotten around to it... until now.

This is from her baby-naming ceremony, where we take her up to the bima during Shabbat and the rabbi gives her a blessing and we give her a Hebrew name. It's supposed to happen earlier, but oh well.

The dress is definitely her...

...the kipa, not so much.

A tune, Maestro...

That's one cute duck!

Is this a form of child abuse?


Mike said...

Child abuse = putting a Cowboys jersey on your child. Nationals are okay.

I have one of those roll-up pianos too. Me and Selah will have to jam sometime, if I can ever get my lazy ass up to NC.

Too cute.

Ben said...

Selah seems to consider it a form of child abuse. Look at the look on her face!

Jeff: you should know better than to use the words "baby" and "dump" in close proximity. It creates unpleasant mental images involving that action in which babies frequently engage.

The Original Rocker said...

I think the only thing worse than the Nationals onesy (sp?) would be a Royals jersey. At least the Rays are respectable this year.

My 3-year old is being torn apart by me and Mrs. Rocker. ECU vs. NCSU. Mrs. Rocker asked her the other night what sound a Pirate made, and she responded "Go Wolfpack!" I smiled. Big.